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Magic: The Gathering

Judge Experience

Caleb Gordon (L2) has been judging local Friday Night Magic and competitive events since 2018. Always inquisitive, Caleb is constantly pushing to find new ways to improve the social aspect of judging: how can we, as arbitrators of this game, support players, build rapport, and increase customer satisfaction while still enforcing the rules?

Magic: The Gathering: Welcome

Judge reviews


Caleb is an active, well-respected member in both our local Magic events and in our province’s online judge community. Caleb is particularly adept at player diplomacy and is literally a professional at projecting their voice in noisy rooms. They also readily listen to, accept and act on constructive feedback. I feel confident that they will be a fantastic addition to your team.

Darren Gamble


Caleb is confident in fast-paced judging environments and they are extremely well respected in the community. They are receptive to constructive feedback and they use it to constantly improve themselves. Alongside all their other skills, they have a great relationship and connection with players. I am confident that Caleb would make an excellent addition to your team.

Sam Tsafalas


I've had the pleasure of working with Caleb on the floor of several large regional events as well as collaborating on Judge projects and conferences. Caleb's strengths are in their demeanor, professionalism, and unmatched empathy. Caleb really pours their heart into each event, listening intently to each player's concerns and really caring about their experience in the event. They have shown me genuine kindness in the past during difficult times in my life and extended empathy, demonstrating genuine kindness and interest in helping those around them.
Please accept Caleb Gordon to your event, you won't regret it. I never have!

Jonathan Wilson

Magic: The Gathering: Testimonials
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