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Written by Daniel Macivor

Victor's mother is possessed by the devil. His father is the saddest man in the world. His sister is in love with the dog. The one he loves does not love him ... and he's got nowhere to live.

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The Fever

Written by Wallace Shawn

As his annoying interior monologue unfolds, the narrator becomes increasingly nauseated by the ignorance and complacency of his own moneyed existence, although he's not quite ready to give up the perks of privilege -- luxury hotels, fine restaurants, glamorous theater events -- in order that others might be able to feed their hungry children.

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Clarence Darrow

Written by David Rintels, based on Clarence Darrow for the Defense by Irving Stone

The groundbreaking attorney addresses his personal life and contemporary events, reviewing much of America's legal history with salty humour, courtroom gusto, and human relish.

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Written by Daniel Macivor

There’s the young boy who tells the story of the neighbour lad who hacked up his father in the basement. There are alcoholic Al and shiny Janine, the lovers who quarrel, make up, and decide to marry after seeing a movie about a lad who … well, same thing. There’s the ex-drunk who dreamed up the movie, but got no credit because he was said to have stolen the idea from a famous unfinished film, a claim that so angered him that he went back on the sauce. Oh yeah, and there’s the movie maker who made that incomplete epic.

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Sin Eater (In development)

Written by Caleb Gordon

A new work focussing upon the historical Sin Eaters, people brought in to the houses of the recently deceased by their families, tasked with taking on the eternal sins of the dead in exchange for a meal and small honorarium.

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Memory Overdrive (In development)

Written by Caleb Gordon

Basilisks; weaponized images of the future. Looking at one crashes your brain as it attempts to comprehend it, like a virus of the mind. IVIAN speaks of the past, the present, and the far future as the only person to have survived such an attack. However, a gruesome creature stalks them from the shadows of their dreams, forcing them to question reality, humanity, and ultimately their sanity.

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Seadreamer's Living Statue

Kept in the basement, a little rusty, but moves if you drop coins in its box!

Caleb has performed as a living statue in various parts of Alberta, including at the Calgary Stampede, and has constructed two costumes for personal use: The Brass Steamgunner, and the Golden Harlequin.

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